Sunday, June 08, 2008

Using Groovy for Unit Tests inside Eclipse

I have blogged before in the past about using Groovy to write Eclipse Plugins. In fact, I think I am the only person in the world to ever write about the subject ever. This lack of interest in the subject is unfortunate for many reasons, but one reason in particular is the fact that writing in Groovy as opposed to Java can make many plugin related tasks simpler, particularly a lot of the tasks that make writing plugins no fun. For this specific reason, I am considering giving giving Groovy EMF a hard look as part of my ongoing efforts to make sense out of the Eclipse EMF Project. In my opinion, EMF could be like Grails if the generated code were in Groovy instead of Java.

Still I wanted to focus the blog entry on the use of Groovy for Unit Tests inside of Eclipse. This is because, in my opinion, that writing Unit Tests in Groovy is one of the main entry points for a Java developer to get their feet wet with Groovy and to see its benefits (the other two cases, in my opinion once again, are XML document parsing/generation and scripting). So here goes.

Framing the problem
The trouble with using Groovy in your projects is the same for using it for Unit Tests as when using it in production code from within Eclipse. The problem is that you usually have a build process that is run from the command line, often referred to as headless mode that you use for continuous integration or releases, and then you have the incremental build process that runs from within Eclipse. For headless (or batch/command line) builds, there is support from Groovy to assist with this, first there is the groovyc command that is equivalent to javac and second there is the Groovyc Ant Task. To take advantage of Eclipse incremental builds you really need to have an Eclipse plugin supporting that for you. This is where Groovy Eclipse can really be helpful, it provides the needed plugin support for incremental builds for Groovy from within Eclipse. For the next sections we will focus on solutions for utilizing Groovy for Unit tests.

Solution 1: GroovyTestSuite
There is a short snippet on using GroovyTestSuite from within Eclipse. There is one strong advantage to this method, since the groovy code is compiled when the AllTests are run, ostensibly this method could be used in both the headless batch build and from within Eclipse without any changes. So why not just use this method? Well there are downsides:

1. You can't use Eclipse's nice 'Recreate Test Suite' operation to keep the AllTests suite in sync. Over time, this is one of those problems that will bite more than once and usually when you least expect it.
2. If you don't have unit test classes compiled to classfiles, it makes running individual test cases difficult. This is something you feel more when you are trying to get a particularly challenging testcase to pass, in addition to the added compilation time, you will have to run the suite again. Of course you could create a new JUnit Testsuite just for the testcase you are trying to run, but then don't forget to delete it when done and don't check it into your source repository.
3. You have to make an assumption as to the current working directory. If you notice in the example code for GroovyTestSuite you have to assume that the unit test runner is being run from the project source directory. This is fine for Eclipse, just remember to check if that assumption holds for your batch/headless build as well.
4. You have to make assumptions as to the testcase's package. Once again refer to the code example for GroovyTestSuite. In the example see that the source directory, the package path is hardcoded, and the groovy file name is hardcoded. This is fine as long as you never change the source directory or refactor your test code into other groovy files or java packages, (*sarcasm alert*) which will never happen right? Now admittedly if you run your unit tests early and often, you will see this and then you will go and fix them immediately. Still better to not have to make those assumptions right?
5. Be careful about making Groovy code dependent on Java code or vice versa from within the same Eclipse Java project. This is a problem shared with the second approach as well. It is something you must consider (I know that groovyc will now compile Java code as well and it should be evaluated for use from within Groovy Eclipse or from your external build processes). There are a couple of ways to deal with the issue as I currently understand it. First, if you write only Groovy or Java code in a test project, there is no problem. This is usually an ok solution for greenfield test writing, but will not hold long term. Secondly, since there are no generated classfiles from groovy code in your project, you cannot allow your Java code to rely on any groovy code in the same test project period.

Solution 2: Groovy Eclipse Plugin
There is another option from within Eclipse, install the Groovy Eclipse Plugin and then add the Groovy builder and nature to your JUnit test project. Why do this? Well Groovy Eclipse will compile your Groovy code to classfiles and place them in a class folder for Eclipse so that Eclipse sees the compiled code as just another set of compiled Java code. This means that GroovyTestSuite is unnecessary and that running tests will not incur the full costs of compilation at start time, a significant advantage for developers. Another advantage is that the unit tests are compiled, so it is possible to easily run one testcase at a time. If setup correctly, using the Groovy Eclipse plugin makes developing/using Unit Tests in Groovy as seamless and invisible as possible. "So", you may ask, "ok Groovy Eclipse fan boy, what are the tradeoffs?" First off, even though I am a Groovy Eclipse committer and supporter, I am very well aware of its shortcomings, so I am not a fan boy. Secondly, well here are the tradeoffs/issues with this approach.

1. You must include Groovy as part of your batch/headless build process to compile the Groovy Unit Tests first, before the Unit tests are run. This is the same trouble you have if you are using Groovy in your production code. I will refer you to the section above titled 'Framing the Problem', for approaches on dealing with this. Using GroovyTestSuite only requires access to the groovy libraries at runtime.
2. Be careful about making Groovy code dependent on Java code or vice versa from within the same Eclipse Java project. This is not a problem unique to Groovy Eclipse or to writing Unit Tests with Groovy, but it is something you must consider (I know that groovyc will now compile Java code as well and it should be evaluated for use from within Groovy Eclipse). There are a couple of ways to deal with the issue as I currently understand it. First, if you write only Groovy or Java code in a test project, there is no problem. This is usually an ok solution for greenfield test writing, but will not hold long term. Secondly, be careful and avoid the following circumstances, A.groovy depends on which depends on C.groovy or depends on B.groovy which depends on This is an issue that needs to be addressed in Groovy Eclipse generally, either by leveraging groovyc to compile Java code or do an analysis to provide an Error/Warning marker to the user about the above circumstances. A useful heuristic traditionally is to allow groovy code to depend on java code or java code to depend on groovy code but not vice versa in the same project. If you hold to that heuristic, just consider the issue raised by number 3.
3. The order of the builders in the .project file. First off if you have groovy code depending on java code or vice versa in the same project, make sure that the groovy builder is before or after the java builder in the .project file. This can be easily checked by right clicking the project and then bringing up the properties dialog. Just look for the Builders section, you can easily remove, add, or reorder the builders in your .project file. Secondly, there are other occasions to be careful about the build order. In particular, this one bit me yesterday when I was trying to write a couple of unit tests for Eclipse monkey in groovy. I was pulling my hair out and about to give up on groovy unit tests for monkey (I mentioned I am not a Groovy Eclipse fanboy didn't I?), when I remembered to check the builder order. Sure enough, the groovy builder came after the plugin and manifest builders. Reordering the groovy builder to come before the PDE builders then allowed the PDE JUnit to actually run (Note to self: add better PDE support for Groovy Eclipse).

There are advantages and disadvantages to both approaches to writing Unit Tests for your projects from within Eclipse. The first approach, at first, seems more straightforward and simple, in particular no integration with external builds, compilation of groovy code is reduced to a classpath resolution problem. The second approach, using Groovy Eclipse, leaves the developer with the need to integrate Groovy into their external build processes, but in the longer term provides a more seamless and productive experience. So if you are wanting to write Unit Tests in groovy, give Groovy Eclipse a try!


Hennsen Popennsen said...

interesting post, by I do not fully understand how tests can be really run in eclipse now, even with the groovy plugin
I'm actually on the way to run grails tests, the only way that worked is the groovy.util.AllTestSuite - but I still struggle with running single tests in development where I don't want to run all tests of the project every time I want to test only a single...

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the article. It was very interesting and helped me along getting Groovy in as our test case language.