Friday, January 12, 2007

Install Eclipse Update Sites through a Firewall

--- Came wiffling through the eclipsey wood ---
* Menu: Download > Update Site
* Script-Path: /GroovyWebUtil/monkey/UpdateSiteDownload.em
* Kudos: ERVIN
* License: EPL 1.0
* Include: /GroovyWebUtil/commons-codec-1.3.jar
* Include: /GroovyWebUtil/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
* Include: /GroovyWebUtil/commons-logging-1.0.3.jar
* Include-Bundle: org.apache.ant

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*
import org.apache.commons.lang.*
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*

// Set these following 8 parameters
def featureName = 'GroovyEclipsePlugin'
def baseURL = ''
def siteURL = baseURL + 'site.xml'
def baseDir = 'c:/plugins/' + featureName + '/eclipse/'

def proxyHost = 'xxxx'
def proxyPort = xx
def proxyUser = 'xxxx'
def proxyPassword = 'xxxx'

def client = new HttpClient()
client.params.setParameter( CredentialsProvider.PROVIDER, this )
client.hostConfiguration.setProxy( proxyHost, proxyPort )

FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( baseDir ) )
FileUtils.touch( new File( baseDir + '.eclipseextension' ) )

def method = new GetMethod( siteURL )
client.executeMethod( method )

out.println 'status: ' + method.statusText + ' -> ' + siteURL

def input = method.responseBodyAsStream
def siteXML = new XmlSlurper().parse( input )
def features = siteXML.feature
def featureURLs = [ : ]
def versionMap = [ : ]
{ feature ->
if( !versionMap.containsKey( feature.@id.text() ) )
versionMap[ feature.@id.text() ] = feature.@version.text()
if( versionMap[ feature.@id.text() ].compareTo( feature.@version.text() ) > 0 )
featureURLs[ feature.@id.text() ] = feature.@url

def ant = new AntBuilder()

def plugins = []
{ featureURL ->
if( monitor.isCanceled() )
def newURL = new URL( baseURL + featureURL )
def featureFile = baseDir + featureURL
def destDir = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( featureFile, '.' )
FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( destDir ) )
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( newURL, new File( featureFile ) )
ant.unzip( src: featureFile, dest: destDir )
ant.delete( file: featureFile )
def featureXMLText = new File( destDir + '/feature.xml' ).text
def featureXML = new XmlSlurper().parseText( featureXMLText )
featureXML.plugin.depthFirst().collect{ plugins.add( it ) }

monitor.beginTask( 'Starting downloads', plugins.size() + 1 )
{ plugin ->
if( monitor.isCanceled() )
def pluginJar = "${plugin.@id}_${plugin.@version}.jar"
def newURL = new URL( baseURL + 'plugins/' + pluginJar )
def pluginFile = baseDir + 'plugins/' + pluginJar
def destDir = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( pluginFile, '.' )
FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( destDir ) )
if( new File( pluginFile ).exists() )
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( newURL, new File( pluginFile ) )
if( plugin.@unpack.text().trim().toLowerCase() != 'false' )
ant.unzip( src: pluginFile, dest: destDir )
ant.delete( file: pluginFile )

--- And burbled as it ran! ---

--- Came wiffling through the eclipsey wood ---
* Menu: Download > Update Site
* Script-Path: /GroovyMonkeyScripts/monkey/
* Kudos: ERVIN
* License: EPL 1.0
* DOM:
* Include: /GroovyMonkeyScripts/commons-codec-1.3.jar
* Include: /GroovyMonkeyScripts/commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar
* Include: /GroovyMonkeyScripts/commons-logging-1.1.jar
* Include-Bundle: org.apache.ant

import org.apache.commons.httpclient.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.auth.*
import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.*
import org.apache.commons.lang.*
import org.eclipse.core.resources.*
import org.eclipse.core.runtime.*

// Set these following 8 parameters
def featureName = 'GroovyEclipsePlugin'
def baseURL = ''
def siteURL = baseURL + 'site.xml'
def baseDir = 'c:/plugins/' + featureName + '/eclipse/'

def proxyHost = 'xxxx'
def proxyPort = xx
def proxyUser = 'xxxx'
def proxyPassword = 'xxxx'

def client = new HttpClient()
client.params.setParameter( CredentialsProvider.PROVIDER, this )
client.hostConfiguration.setProxy( proxyHost, proxyPort )

FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( baseDir ) )
FileUtils.touch( new File( baseDir + '.eclipseextension' ) )
def method = new GetMethod( siteURL )
client.executeMethod( method )
out.println 'status: ' + method.statusText + ' -> ' + siteURL

def input = method.responseBodyAsStream
def siteXML = new XmlSlurper().parse( input )
def features = siteXML.feature
def featureURLs = [ : ]
def versionMap = [ : ]
{ feature ->
if( !versionMap.containsKey( feature.@id.text() ) )
versionMap[ feature.@id.text() ] = feature.@version.text()
if( versionMap[ feature.@id.text() ].compareTo( feature.@version.text() ) > 0 )
featureURLs[ feature.@id.text() ] = feature.@url

def ant = new AntBuilder()
def plugins = []
{ featureURL ->
if( monitor.isCanceled() )
def newURL = new URL( baseURL + featureURL )
def featureFile = baseDir + featureURL
def destDir = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( featureFile, '.' )
FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( destDir ) )
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( newURL, new File( featureFile ) )
ant.unzip( src: featureFile, dest: destDir )
ant.delete( file: featureFile )
def featureXMLText = new File( destDir + '/feature.xml' ).text
def featureXML = new XmlSlurper().parseText( featureXMLText )
featureXML.plugin.depthFirst().collect{ plugins.add( it ) }

monitor.beginTask( 'Starting downloads', plugins.size() + 1 )
{ plugin ->
if( monitor.isCanceled() )
def pluginJar = "${plugin.@id}_${plugin.@version}.jar"
def newURL = new URL( baseURL + 'plugins/' + pluginJar )
def pluginFile = baseDir + 'plugins/' + pluginJar
def destDir = StringUtils.substringBeforeLast( pluginFile, '.' )
if( new File( pluginFile ).exists() )
FileUtils.copyURLToFile( newURL, new File( pluginFile ) )
out.println "${plugin.@id}: unpack=${plugin.@unpack.text()}"
if( plugin.@unpack.text().trim().toLowerCase() == 'false' )
FileUtils.forceMkdir( new File( destDir ) )
ant.unzip( src: pluginFile, dest: destDir )
ant.delete( file: pluginFile )

--- And burbled as it ran! ---

Want to be able to download eclipse plugins, but the firewall wont let you?

Having trouble getting the eclipse update mechanism to tunnel through the firewall, but port 80 is open through http?

If you have Groovy Monkey installed and include the commons-codec-1.3.jar, commons-httpclient-3.0.1.jar and commons-logging-1.0.3.jar libraries in your workspace, use the script above. Define the 8 parameters and the script should download the update package from the url that the update manager should connect to. The script then packages it as the appropriate set of plugins ( zipped or unzipped ) based on the feature.xml and then deploys it to a directory that you can define and creates an extension location that Eclipse can directly import.

In the script above I downloaded the Groovy Eclipse plugin from the update site and had it packaged into the /plugins/GroovyEclipse/eclipse directory as an extension location. I like to separate my plugins like this. The last step is after the script runs successfully goto "Help -> Software Updates -> Manage Configuration" and open the manage configuration dialog. Right click on the root node "Eclipse SDK" and select "Add -> Extension Location". Navigate to the location where the plugin was installed, in the above case /plugins/GroovyEclipse/eclipse, and then click ok. Eclipse will install the plugin and probably ask to restart. You are done...